8th Grade 08/21/2019

Learning Objectives 08/19/2019

  • Observe frogs jumping on colored lily pads in certain patterns. 
  • Practice finding more and more complex patterns.
  • Use an experiment to test a hypothesis.
  • Adjust hypotheses to account for new information.
  • Draw conclusions based on repeated tests of hypotheses.


  • Experiment, hypothesis, observe, prediction, theory
  • You can watch the video of the scientific method here


Go to https://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm?method=cResource.dspView&ResourceID=663

!!!!! If the time is up, you can still access the simulation using Mozilla Firefox. Open an incognito window to get an unlimited access to the app. !!!!

Activity A

!!!Select beginner!!!

Question: How do we find patterns?

  1. Collect data: Place the brown frog on any blue lily pad. Record the colors of the lily pads it visits in order. Write for red, for blue, and for green. Record the first 15 hops.____________________________________________________________________ _____
  2. Analyze: Put the brown frog on other pads and watch. What pattern does it seem to follow? _________________________________________________________________________
  3. Observe: Click Catch all and repeat the above steps with the pink frog.
    A. What pattern does the pink frog follow?___________________________________B. Does its pattern depend on where it starts?Explain.____________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Find the pattern: What pattern does the yellow frog follow? __________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
  5. Extend: Describe the red frog’s pattern. _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
  6. Challenge: Compare the purple and red frogs. (Hint: Pay attention to more than just color.) A. How are their patterns similar?__________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________B. How are they different?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity B

!!!Select advanced!!!

Question: How can we gain confidence in the patterns we see?

  1. Form hypothesis: Put the yellow frog on any pad. Observe it carefully. Try it on other pads. When you think you understand the frog’s behavior, write your belief, or hypothesis, below._________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
  2. Predict: The true test of a hypothesis is if it predicts the results of experiments you have not yet tried. You should not trust a pattern until it correctly predicts the results of a test.Use your hypothesis to fill in the two sentences below.A. From the blue pad at lower left, the yellow frog will next jump to a__________pad. B. From the red pad at lower right, the yellow frog will next jump to a__________pad.
  3. Test: Run experiments to test your predictions. Were you correct both times? ____________
    •   If one of your predictions was wrong, your hypothesis has been disproven.
    •   If your predictions were correct, your tests support your hypothesis.
    •   If enough experiments support a hypothesis, it can become a theory.
  4. Form hypothesis: Now observe the pink frog carefully. What pattern does it repeat? _________________________________________________________________________
  5. Predict: What are the next 10 colors the pink frog will visit if you start it at the bottom left? ________________________________________________________________________
  6. Test: Test your hypothesis. What happened? _____________________________________
  7. Challenge: Can you ever absolutely prove that a hypothesis is correct? Explain. _________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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